
Visualization Research Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University

(Research and Practice Fellow in Augmented Visualization)


Academy of Visual Arts
Hong Kong Baptist University

(Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)


Center for Cultural Research of Technologies, Department of Cultural and Media Studies, SWPS University

(Visiting Research Fellow)

2017 - 2021

School of Creative Media
City University of Hong Kong

(PhD Student)


Digital Aesthetics Research Centre
Aarhus University

(Visiting Researcher)


Sussex Humanities Lab
School of Media, Film and Music

University of Sussex

(Guest Scholar)


Centre for Participatory Information Technologies
Aarhus University

(Guest Scholar)


University of Warsaw

Faculty of "Artes Liberales" (2012-2016, Researcher & Lecturer)

Digital Economy Lab (DELab) (2015-2017,


Mirocha, L. (forthcoming), “The Probable Garden: An Exploration of Algorithm-Driven Cinematic Real-time Spaces”. ISEA 2024 Brisbane: Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Electronic Art.

Mirocha, L. (forthcoming), “Rendering: Instant Visualization and Circular Creativity: On the emerging real-time design paradigm in 2020s computer graphics animation”. The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Animation Studies Vol. 2: Techniques, Processes, Environments. Bruckner, F., Gadassik, A. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Mirocha, L. (2022), “The Torchbearer’s Cave (1.0)”. Conference on Data Art for Climate Action 2022: Proceedings|Catalogue. Lindborg, PM. School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. pp. 105-106.

Mirocha, L. (2021). “The (Cinematic) Synthetic Cameraman, 2020-21”Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021 Proceedings. Allen, R. W., Siu, M., Charrieras, D., Klein, T., Kraemer, H., Olli Tapio Leino, O. T., Rodriguez, H. pp. 249-250.

Mirocha, L. (2021). “The Synthetic Cameraman Series: A Practice-based Research Case Study”Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021 Proceedings. Allen, R. W., Siu, M., Charrieras, D., Klein, T., Kraemer, H., Olli Tapio Leino, O. T., Rodriguez, H. pp. 171-172. 

Mirocha, L. (2020). “The Synthetic Cameraman”. SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Art Gallery, December 2020, Article No.: 64, p. 1.

Kim, E., Bahng, S., Mirocha, L. & Treccani, C., (2019). “Navigating the Penumbra of Virtual Reality: Perception, Cinematography, Psychology and Ethics”. ISEA 2019 Gwangju LUX AETERNA: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Park, J., Nam, J. & Park, J. W. (eds.). Art Center Nabi, pp. 670-672. 

Mirocha. L. (2019). “VR and AI: The Interface for Human and Non-Human Agents”. Proceedings of Art Machines: International Symposium on Computational Media Art. Allen, R. W., Leino, O. T., Siu, M., Piyasena, S, pp. 120-122. 

Mirocha, L. (2018). “Framed Reality and Reproduced Virtuality: Design Principles and Aesthetics of Consumer VR/AR Applications” Book of Abstracts: 12th Biennial Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference (CROSSROADS 2018), College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University; Centre for Contemporary Central Studies, pp. 493-495. 

Mirocha, L. (2018). “Skeuomorphs and Remediations: Working Environments for Consumer Virtual Reality Platforms”. Cultural Studies Review 1895-975X, 4 (38), pp. 550-561

Mirocha, L. (2018). “Storytelling in the Age of Digital Media: The Netwars – Out of Control Transmedia Project: A Case Study”. On the Fringes of Literature and Digital Media Culture: Perspectives from Eastern and Western Europe, Kalla, I. B., Poniatowska, P., Michułka, D. (eds.). Brill Rodopi, Leiden; Boston, pp. 135-146. 

Contreras-Koterbay, S., Mirocha, L. (2016). The New Aesthetic and Art: Constellations of the Postdigital, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 1-277. 

Mirocha, L. (2016). “Going Beyond the Glitch Art: Critical Glitch Studies as a New Research Raradigm for Analyzing Post-digital Technologies”. ISEA 2016 Hong Kong Cultural R>Evolution: Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art, Leino, O. T., Howe, D. C. (eds.). School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, pp. 327-330. 

Mirocha, L. (2016). “Smart home as the Internet of Things black-box: User’s agency in open and proprietary Smart Home ecosystems”. Digital Ecosystems: Society in Digital Age, Włoch, R., Juchniewicz, N., Jonak, L. (eds.). Digital Economy Lab, University of Warsaw, pp. 119-129. 

Mirocha, L. (2016). “Wpływ komputacyjnego charakteru cyfrowego obrazowania i ekosystemów oprogramowania kreatywnego na estetykę mediów wizualnych” [ENG – Digital Imagery, Creative Software Ecosystems and Consequences of their Digital Nature for Visual Media Aesthetics] Teksty Kultury Uczestnictwa, Dąbrówka, A., Maryl, M., Wójtowicz, A. (eds.). Digital Humanities Centre, Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, pp. 175-194.

Mirocha, L. (2015). “Consumer photography in the age of the iPhone: the standardization of workflow and the commodification of the photograph”. Datafied Research: A Peer-Reviewed Newspaper, Andersen, Ch. U., Cox, G. (eds.). Aarhus University; reSource transmediale culture Berlin/transmediale, Aarhus; Berlin. 

Mirocha, L. (2015). “Communication Models, Aesthetics and Ontology of the Computational Age Revealed”. Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation and Design, Berry D., Dieter, M. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 58-71.

Mirocha, L. (2015). “Computational Nature of Contemporary Imagery: The Aesthetics of the New Aesthetic”. Transacting Aesthetics: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Aesthetics, Stankiewicz, S. (ed.). Libron, Kraków, pp. 37-48. 

Mirocha, L. (2015). “Kulturowe znaczenie błędu komputacyjnego (glitch)w mediach wizualnych: postcyfrowa perspektywa software studies” [ENG – Cultural Impact of Glitch in Visual Media: A Postdigital and Software Studies Approach]. Kultura i Historia, 4/2015, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin. 

Mirocha, L. (2013). “Nowa Estetyka i rzeczywistość poszerzona o sferę cyfrową” [ENG – New Aesthetics and the Reality Augmented by the Digital Realm]. Maska: Cyberprzestrzeń, 17/2013, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, pp. 7-23. 

Mirocha, L. (2013). “Poszerzona przestrzeń ery cyfrowej. Analiza poziomów ontologicznych oraz sieci relacji między mediami, artefaktami ery cyfrowej a człowiekiem” [ENG – The Augmented Space of the Digital Age: An Analysis of Ontological Levels, and the Network of Relationships Between the Media, the Digital Era Artifacts and the Human]. Zwrot Cyfrowy w Humanistyce: Internet, Nowe Media, Kultura 2.0, Radomski, A., Bomba, R. (eds.). e-naukowiec, Lublin, pp. 177-184.  



2024 Speaker, ISEA 2024 Brisbane: International Symposium on Electronic Art, Brisbane Convention Entertainment and Centre, Brisbane, AUS.

2024 Workshop Tutor, 2024 ADA Symposium – Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream, Wellington, NZ.

2024 Speaker, 2024 ADA Symposium – Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream, Wellington, NZ.

2024 Speaker, The SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee, SPARKS February 2024, Zoom/US. 

2024 Speaker, The SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee, SPARKS February 2024, Zoom/US. 

2024 Invited Speaker, Real-Time Worlds: Game Engines, Virtual Spaces & World-building in Contemporary Art, Visualization Research Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, 

2023 Participant, SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, Sydney, AUS.

2023 Speaker (Panelist)ISEA 2023: International Symposium on Electronic Art, Paris, FR. 

2022 Speaker, DACA 2022 – Data Art for Climate Action, City University of Hong Kong, HK / The University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, AT. 

2021 Speaker, Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK.

2021 Invited Speaker, Practice-Based Research (PBR) Online Forum (4), Monash University / Art Engine, AU.

2020 Game Engines Beyond Games (GEBG) Symposium, Parsons School of Design, NYC, USA

2019 Participant, Unite Singapore 2019, a regional Unity conference, SG

2019 Speaker and Panelist, 21st International Congress of Aesthetics; The University of Belgrade, Belgrade, RS

2019 Speaker (Panelist), ISEA 2019: International Symposium on Electronic Art; Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, KOR

2019 Invited Speaker (Guest Lecture), eduVR Lab: Faculty of Humanities, AGH University of Science and Technology, PL

2019 Speaker, The Future of Media, Mediatization, Journalism and Communication; The Department of Journalism, New Media and Communication of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PL

2019 Speaker, Art Machines: International Symposium on Computational Media Art; School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK 

2018 Participant, SIGGRAPH Asia 2018, Tokyo, JP. 

2018 Speaker / Workshop Attendee, Chinese Digital Games Research Association: Chinese DiGRA 2018 Conference, PhD Colloquium; City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, CN 

2018 Speaker (Panelist), The 12th Association for Cultural Studies “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, Shanghai University, Shanghai, CN

2018, Speaker / Workshop Attendee, VIII Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture Cyber+Cipher+Culture, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Lisbon Consortium, Lisbon, PT 

2018 Invited Speaker, Digital Aesthetics Research Center, Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK

2018 Invited Speaker, Digital Living Research Commons (DLRC), Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK. 

2018 Invited Speaker (Guest Lecture), Political Science Department, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, PL 

2018 Speaker, Transient Topographies: Space and Interface in Digital Literature and Art, National University of Ireland, Galway, IE 

2017 Participant, SIGGRAPH Asia 2017, Bangkok, TH

2016 Invited Speaker (Guest Lecture), Department of Art and Design, College of Art & Sciences, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA  

2016 Speaker, SECAC 2016, Virginia Tech and Hollins University, Roanoke VA, USA 

2016 Speaker, Streams of Consciousness: Data, Cognition & Intelligent Devices, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, UK 

2016 Speaker, 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art: ISEA 2016 Hong Kong 香港 Cultural R>evolution, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK 

2016 Participant, Transmediale 2016, Transmediale / reSeource, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE 

2015 Speaker, Encountering Programs: Visions, Orders, Interfaces, ZeM-Brandenburg Center for Media Studies ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften, Potsdam, DE 

2015 Invited Panelist, Transmediale 2015, Transmediale / reSeource, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE 

2015 Speaker, Literary Margins and Digital Media, Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub and University of Wroclaw, PL

2015 Speaker, Thinking with Algorithms: Cognition and Computation in the Work of N. Katherine Hayles, Durham University, UK 

2014 Panelist / Workshop Attendee, Datafied Research, City University of Hong Kong, HK 

2014 Speaker, New Media Histories / Historie Nowych Mediów, University of Lodz, PL 

2014 Speaker, Image not Available: Networked Visuality and Its Limits, The American University of Paris, FR 

2013 Participant, Media Arts Histories: The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Riga, LV

2013 Speaker, ICA: The 19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, PL 

2013 Speaker / Participant, Digital Humanities Summer School Switzerland 2013, University of Bern / University of Lausanne, CH